Child Passenger Safety
Contact Us
- 941-624-7200
Mailing Location
1100 Loveland Boulevard
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Schedule a Free Car Seat Inspection Today
Every day in America, millions of parents and caregivers travel with children in their vehicles. While some children are buckled correctly in properly fitted car seats, many are not. In fact, some are not even buckled at all.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 46% of car seats are misused. To help combat this issue, the Florida Department of Health announced today its participation in Child Passenger Safety Week, a campaign dedicated to helping parents and caregivers make sure their children ride as safely as possible—every trip, every time. Child Passenger Safety Week runs from September 20-26, 2020 and is sponsored by NHTSA.
The Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County (DOH-Charlotte) will be hosting two events to educate parents on how to choose the right seat, install it correctly, get the right fit, and know when it's time to upgrade to the next seat. To aid in keeping residents and staff safe, these events will be by appointment only.
Make an appointment for a safety inspection. A certified technician will be on site to ensure your safety seat is installed correctly and properly fitted to your child.
For qualifying applicants, a limited number of car seats are available. As a parent, caregiver, guardian, grandparent, foster parent or designee you may qualify for a child safety seat for your eligible child(ren), dependent(s), or those whom you provide care, including transportation, on a regular basis. Only one car seat is allowed per child.
Call 941-624-7200 to schedule an appointment.
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