Sharps Disposal
Contact Us
- 941-624-7200
Mailing Location
1100 Loveland Boulevard
Port Charlotte, FL 33980
Many community residents have medical conditions, particularly diabetes, that require self-injections at home. Because of issues regarding safety and disease transmission, the disposal of home-generated needles, syringes, and lancets (or "sharps") has caused some concern on the part of families, refuse services, recycling staffs, and landfills.
The Charlotte County Sharps Disposal Program was implemented to:
- Help you properly dispose of your needles and lancets.
- Provide an environmentally safe option for disposing of sharps.
- Prevent injury to humans and animals.
- Keep sharps out of household trash and recycling bins.
- Provide the public with local collection sites for home generated needles and lancets.
- Prevent the spread of infectious disease.
- Remove used needles from circulation and prevent the sharing of needles.
- What Are Sharps?
- Never dispose of the following in your curbside carts:
- How to use your sharps container:
- Locations
Sharps are defined as medical wastes, which have the potential to puncture or lacerate. This includes hypodermic and intravenous needles and syringes, as well as disposable lancets. Once you use a syringe, needle, lancet, or other sharp, it becomes a potentially hazardous medical waste product. That is why it’s important to dispose of sharps the right way.
- Syringes
- Hypodermic needles
- Always keep sharps boxes out of the reach of children
- Do not clip the needle.
- Do not recap the needle.
- Place hypodermic needle in the red sharps container.
- When filled, secure the lid. Do not overfill.
- Take the full sharps container to one of the facilities listed below and you will be given a free replacement container.
- If you are physically unable to exchange your sharps container for medical reasons, call Charlotte County to request a pickup and exchange 941-764-4360.
There are three locations for Charlotte County residents to pick up and drop off sharps container:
Mid County Transfer & Recycling Facility
19675 Kenilworth Blvd
Port Charlotte, FL 33954
Tuesday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Punta Gorda Public Safety Building
1410 Tamiami Trail
Punt Gorda, FL 33950
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
West County Transfer & Recycling Facility
7070 Environmental Way
Englewood, FL 33981
Tuesday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The Punta Gorda Police and Fire Station on US 41 is a drop-off point for sharps containers.
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