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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Environmental Public Health

Contact Us

  •  941-624-7200

    Mailing Location

    1100 Loveland Boulevard 

    Port Charlotte, FL 33980

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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The Environmental Public Health program is responsible for monitoring conditions within the community that could present a threat to health and safety of the public.  Environmental Public Health Specialists work in the community to ensure the public health and monitor any potential problems.

Inspections completed by Environmental Public Health Staff are available on the Florida Health Inspection Reports and Data web page.

Biomedical Waste

Disposal of biomedical waste is regulated by two agencies in Florida.

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulates medical waste incinerators and final disposal of treated medical wastes.

Body Piercing

Body piercing is an invasive procedure that presents the potential for infection and transmits blood borne pathogens, if minimum sanitary and safety standards are not met. Operators and piercers must be trained in infection-control procedures prior to licensure of a body-piercing salon.

Food Hygiene

The Food Hygiene Program is designed to ensure that facilities regulated by the Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County serve food, beverages, and snacks in a safe and sanitary manner and minimize the occurrence of food related illness.

***The Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) regulates restaurants, most mobile food vehicles, caterers, and most public food service events. You can reach their Customer Contact Center by calling (850) 487-1395 or file a complaint about a restaurant or another type of DRPR food facility on line at ***

Group Care Facilities

Facilities Regulated by Florida Department of Health includes group residential facilities, schools, and assisted living facilities. Also, bars who do not serve food and some movie theatres.

Mobile Home Parks

All of these establishments in the State of Florida must obtain an operating permit from the Health Department. Any changes or modifications to the park facilities must be approved by the Health Department.

Mobile Home Parks are regulated under Chapter 64E-15 of the Florida Administrative Code.

Onsite Sewage Programs

Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems that produce 10,000 gallons or less of domestic strength sewage flow or 5000 gallons or less of commercial strength sewage per day are regulated by the Florida Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Protection under Chapter 64E-6 of the Florida Administrative Code.


Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence (PACE-EH) – A program for assessing environmental health conditions in underserved communities.

Public Swimming Pools

To protect the public health the Department of Health regulates public pool and bathing areas under Chapter 64E-9 of the Florida Administrative Code, through the issuance of operating permits and inspections. This program does not include the many private swimming pools in our community.

Tanning Facilities

The Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County inspects tanning facilities to reduce the risk of disease and injury to people who use tanning devices at tanning facilities.

Type of Complaints 

Restaurants, Apartment Complexes, Hotels - Department of Business and Professional Regulation
DBPR. Phone 850-487-1395

Grocery and Convenience Stores, Food Processors - Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  Phone 800-435-7352

Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Radon - Florida Deparment of Health.  Phone 850-245-4288

Asbestos Remediation - Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  Phone 813-626-1177

Ambient Air Quality, Pollution Prevention - Department of Environmental Protection.  Phone 407-894-7555

Illegal Dumping - Charlotte County Solid Waste Department.  Phone 866-938-6722

Mosquito Control - Charlotte County Mosquito Control.  Phone 941-764-4356

Nuisance Animals - Charlotte County Animal Control.  Phone 941-833-5690